Photo Week #47
Hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving and days off - I'm glad we could spend some time away from home, to break the routine, but I'm also glad to be back home in my own bed again. Junie played a lot and ate a lot (like, a LOT). I feel optimistic about the end of the year, which feels weird! Normally I'm in a down sort of mood during this time of the year. Maybe because I spent a lot of this past year already in a down state that my brain is thinking it's time for some positivity. Or maybe I am just relieved to be home. Either way, it feels nice. Weird, but nice.

This has been a slow Monday morning getting started back at work - responded to some personal emails, reviewed a fantasy basketball trade, ordered a couple more things online... it's funny being back at my own desk again, especially after I visited the office in person! It felt surreal - I do still have a desk assigned to me (since we have desktop machines) and when I logged in my screen looked... exactly how I left it at home, obviously.

It was great to meet more people in person and to finally take an orc picture! Should I post this on LinkedIn? Kidding...

While we were gone, the leaves turned colors! I love the yellow gingko trees. And now looking at this photo I am realizing how badly lit it is. Oops. Trust me, it is very pretty and striking in person.