Photo Week #37
Happy Monday! This morning when I went to ballet class I had to buy a new class pass, and I decided to get the 16 class one – and I realized that will probably be more than enough for me to get to the end of this year, considering I won’t be around for a few Mondays and there are only 14 more weeks left of the year!
I told myself this week would be the week where I put a little hold on job applying until the wedding is over. This is also the week that teaching dance starts getting way busier, thanks to Nutcracker rehearsals and starting to choreograph a piece for the youngest ballet company at the studio, but hopefully it will be a good kind of busy and not too stressful. The weekends are going to be a lot more tiring than the weekdays.

I ate Crunch Wrap Supremes twice this past week. Twice! The second time was a homemade version, which definitely tasted healthier than the Taco Bell version, and was a success in my eyes. I missed the fake taste of the nacho cheese inside the real Crunch Wrap Supreme though.