Photo Week #3

Week 2 postpartum was a little easier and a lot harder at the same time. Easier because breastfeeding got a little less painful, and we got the ok to stop supplementing with a bottle after every feed which saves a lot of time. Harder because now she needs to more actively be put down for naps and because there is still a cycle of feeding and sleeping and feeding and sleeping but no routine to be seen. (I have to tell myself every morning to let go of the need to set a routine.)
Harder too because the adrenaline has worn out and anxiety has set in – worries mostly about her feeding and sleeping, but also worries about burping, over and under stimulation, whether I hold her correctly, and the list goes on. The postpartum hormones are also raging which leads to some more stress.
It hasn’t been smooth sailing, but we’re all alive and I think we’re doing okay, so as I tell myself almost every night at the 3ish am feeding – new morning, new mercies. We will be okay!