Photo Week #10

I didn’t think I would be the type of person who would want to DIY a lot of things for a wedding but unfortunately for me, this past week I discovered that I am. I think in general, I am just the kind of person who sees something and thinks, I wonder how they did that. Or, I wonder if I could do that myself. That is how most of my baking or cooking experiments happen and how most of my decorations come to be (except balloons because I can’t make balloons). It always seems possible to do things by myself but I need to remember that doesn’t mean it should be done by myself.
And it’s not like it brings me extra joy to do things by myself, either… so I feel like I should just suck it up and pay for things to be done. Except for the fact that I am also so cheap and I don’t want to pay for things. Being prideful and cheap are two dangerous things to be when trying to plan a wedding. So would I rather give up my sanity and the guarantee of quality (except maybe things might turn out okay even if I were to do things myself) and save the money, or would I rather just pay for it even if a part of my soul withers away when I see the numbers adding up?
Okay, okay, I know I’m being dramatic… but it feels like time is running out to make decisions and neither seem like the right choice. Better to make a decision than no decision at all, I guess, but which one will I regret more?