Photo Week #9
Happy March! If the rest of my March looks like how my weekend did, it will be an interesting March for sure. An interesting but fun and hopefully fulfilling month.

This past weekend, Jeremiah and I picked up a ping pong table and transported it precariously through the rain from Justine’s parents’ house to mine. I say precariously because it was tied down to the top of the van and although I mentioned both of our names it was really just Jeremiah who had to deal with driving the van. And I really didn’t help putting it on top of the van either so the real credit should go to Jeremiah and Justine’s dad. (PS Mom this is what I borrowed the van for.) A ping pong table is kind of a ridiculous thing to own and it feels very suburban, but so far it has brought a lot of joy so we’re keeping it for now!

I also went to the farmer’s market on Saturday, which is always fun, and found out what the name of that not-quite-broccoli spiky vegetable was (romanesco). I like the idea of farmer’s markets, and I always hear that it’s good to shop local and fresh and all that jazz, but it never occurs to me to make it a recurring thing in my schedule. Maybe that should be a March goal. I also made imitation Porto’s guava cheese rolls – except with fig jam because I couldn’t find guava paste. They were ridiculously simple and easy to make, especially because I used pre-bought puff pastry. It’s funny, I think I’ve eaten more sweets and junk food since I came home from vacation, and have gained more weight this past week at home than in Italy, despite the carbs and the gelato…