Photo Week #25
Hello post-Disneyland! I was so tired this past weekend after our trip to LA and Disney - I had to take a post-dinner nap last night. I also think maybe I need to drink more water and drink less coffee... especially in this heat. Whew!

One of the best developments this past trip was Junie learning how to do the peace sign with her fingers, and being willing to say "cheese" for a photo. It was so cute! She did not love the loud dark rides, but loved the Mickey Mouse monorail and also Autopia - she kept yelling "I'm driving!! I'm driving!!" Although to be honest, getting driven around by a two year old is a lot more motion sick inducing than riding the teacups with her. Let's hope that in fourteen years her driving skills will be much improved.

Grateful for summer nights. Summer is really the best season.