Photo Week #23
Junie had her first ballet performance and she did much more of the dance than I expected! We were very proud of her. Peer pressure at this age can actually be a good thing, haha - seeing everyone else on the stage dancing and then wearing the same dress made it much easier to convince her to stand up by herself and do the dance herself. And she did remember a lot! It just reminds me that little kids are little sponges and soak up much much more than we know. Like this morning she was playing on her pretend phone and I asked her what she was doing and she said "texting"... which is what I tell her I'm doing when I'm on my phone in front of her and don't want to share. But to be fair, most of the time I am texting!! I really do try to be present and not scrolling when I am in front of her. Which just leads to hours of scrolling at night (or during work... shh...) ... but one step at a time...