Photo Week #9
Skipped Photo Week #8 because we were in sunny Maui for a couple of days! Unfortunately Junie was sick but she rallied as much as she could (or as much as we pushed her to be) and I think she did have fun. She's at the age where she is starting to remember things in the past and talk about them, so she'll at least say that she pet alpacas and bunnies and swam in the pool even if in reality it was accompanied by a lot of crying. Fingers crossed she will be in the best health when we go to Oahu at the end of April.

It is also now the time of the year where I have to decide whether or not I'm going to renew this domain for another year. I have mixed feelings - on one hand, it's nice knowing that I have this space. But on the other hand, when do I ever write anything else besides these bland photo weeks? And a lot of the times they feel kind of fake to me. And it's not like I have any strong desire to be a "content creator" because I don't really have much to talk about.

Anyways I have a month to decide. Most likely I'll just be lazy and not settle down to think about the decision and just pay and renew. But we shall see...