Photo Week #7
Phew, I look rough in this photo. I've been feeling extra tired lately - sleep has still been on and off good days and bad days, and I am exercising more so I could be tired from that. But anyways. There are days where I feel like we take one step forward and two steps back in regards to Junie - sleeping, eating, managing tantrums, etc etc etc. On weekends, carrier naps just seem easier than figuring out if she'll lay down in her little bed to sleep. And then after this carrier nap she woke up after an hour anyways. Argh!

But really, if I stop to think about it outside of the tired haze, we're not going backwards at all, and I am trying to remind myself that these disruptive moments (or what feels like disruptive moments) are times when she is probably going through something huge developmentally. She is learning how to be a functioning human being. That's crazy! Her latest thing (that I've noticed, at least, it's possible she's been doing this for weeks at daycare already) is jumping off of low surfaces.
Anyways, this too shall pass. I pray it passes soon, but until then... will have to keep reminding myself to have empathy and keep track of all the fun new things that Junie is learning so that I can remember the good along with the bad.