Photo Weeks #37 & #38
I did not take a lot of photos while in Austin, but I did take photos of two things I grew to appreciate more during our time there: the downtown Austin skyline and queso.

The trip felt short and long at the same time, which seems to be the case whenever I leave Junie for extended periods of time. I enjoyed the good company and good food and tried to not think too much about what Junie was doing, but it's still hard to fully relax when I'm away with her (especially when I have to do mental calculations about when to pump next).
Then last week was basically recovery from vacation and no photos were taken. Also Junie went through yet another sleep regression so we were still in a little bit of survival mode until the weekend... baby sleep is so hard. Yesterday was also my first set of rehearsals for Nutcracker and although I feel pretty beat physically today, I feel excited (although anxious because I definitely was unprepared yesterday) for the rest of this Nutcracker season! I am looking forward to not being pregnant while running rehearsals. I can't believe I did that last year... Hopefully I can make it all the way to the end, haha. And hopefully I can be better prepared and less stressed each week - I don't need one more thing to stress me out during the end of the year. I always tend to get more anxious during the end of the year, because I start to panic about what I haven't accomplished during the year and what is still left to be done.
Lately I've been feeling worried about work and what my reviews will look like - I personally feel like I was able to jump back in after maternity leave and be an IC, but I don't think I did very well on the managing side of things this year. A new goal for next year I guess...