Photo Week #52
We did it! We made it through 2019 and a full third year of Photo Weeks. What a year it was. Maybe in a day or two I’ll actually write a post recapping this year since it was definitely an eventful one and I think I learned a lot.
The past week was a week of good family time and lots and lots of eating.

I should have taken a picture of the food but here is a picture of just the desserts, which was an impressive array. And all handmade, too!

The next day, we drove up to Tahoe where it was beautifully snowy and wintery. I feel like this time I did a better job skiing than I did in more recent years and I have a little bit of hope that I have not plateaued yet. I don’t know if I really have a desire to get better at skiing, though… the older I get this desire gets smaller and smaller.

I haven’t really utilized my new phone’s camera (aka portrait mode) much since I got it, so I decided to make more of an effort to take portrait mode photos this trip. What else is a new iPhone good for if not better photos?

California is great because, as Sam said, you have the privilege to choose to go to winter climates.
I’m not sure what 2020 will look like for this blog, but hopefully Photo Weeks will continue and my posting will be more streamlined… I have visions of updating the layout and the way posts look and how the photos load. But these are all just dreams and we shall have to see whether or not I have the time (and motivation) to make these dreams into reality!