Photo Week #5
I made my first tart this weekend!

Cece gave me a tart pan for my bridal shower and I finally put it to use (sorry Cece) to make this lemon tart from the Dessert Person cookbook – the above photo is from before I baked it, and this is honestly the most photogenic it looked. I spread out the process over four days and I grew progressively more doubtful about the fate of this lemon tart over those four days.

The end result definitely wasn’t the most photogenic, but it was still happily eaten. But then I forgot to tag Claire Saffitz and hashtag #dessertperson when I posted about it on @friendswithkitchens, so that was my fail as a pseudo-influencer… oh well.

Sam and I cooked dinner for the Wons at their new home this past weekend – and Oliver helped to stir the mashed potatoes. I also used their air fryer to make brussels sprouts and french fries, and it was so easy! And now I sort of want to get the air fryer and toaster oven combo to replace our old toaster oven… but we’ll see. Haha. I always think about buying all these things but never actually go through with it because I talk myself out of it. But maybe if I still want an air fryer in a couple of months I’ll do it…