Photo Week #46
It’s the holiday week so I’m allowed to be a little late in posting, right? Right. I also just realized that I only have one more week of November to cook a new dish. I am behind in so many things right now! I feel like this tends to happen to me during the end of the year. I fall behind and then think, oh well I can just start again in the New Year. This is the mindset of a lazy person. Must finish strong!

Okay, so these photos aren’t technically from last week but I received them last week and I love them so much (and these people so much!) that everybody deserves a spot on my blog.

A Boba Guys opened up in San Ramon and Cathy, Justine and I ventured out in the smoky air to try it out! It’s interesting to watch San Ramon change to be way more bougie – adding in all these fancy shops and restaurants and creating its own downtown. The main grudge we held against San Ramon growing up (versus the surrounding towns) was that it was newer so it had no cute downtown like Danville or Pleasanton.. and now there is a whole new modern one. Not sure how I feel about it but I guess I’m grateful for the closer access to Boba Guys now.