Photo Week #29

There are weeks when I feel like I can whittle down my to-do list to just the few things that have been sitting on that list for a long, long time (ex: find a nanny, finally figure out my blog settings) - but this week was not one of them. This week my to-do list has ballooned again. This week was a week where I basically just wanted to lie down and sleep at all times. It felt like a celebration to get to Friday, and now here we are at Monday again.
Sigh. I need to have a better attitude about life. And maybe stop being so lazy and just get to checking off things on my to-do list. I need to organize my to-do list like we organize tickets at work - low hanging fruit versus longer projects versus biggest impact... but then I just start thinking about work which isn't that productive either.
Anyways. Happy Monday, friends. Let's hope this is a productive one for all!