Photo Week #29
Well, kind of – just the Saturday of Week 29 because for the last two weeks, I was eating and drinking my way around the Netherlands (and briefly, Belgium). Amsterdam and the other cities were all so cute and picturesque! I have far too many tall brick building lined canal photos to post into one post so I think I will try and break it up. Although traveling was nice, coming back home was just as nice! There’s no feeling like sleeping in your own bed and being able to shower in your own bathroom.
It was also time to come back in and jump back into the swing of things – starting with throwing a baby shower! Lots of lessons were learned in the process of planning this baby shower (lessons like, plan farther in advance if you’ll be gone in Europe for two weeks right before an event) but overall I think the shower went well and I can’t wait to meet #babynumberwon!