Photo Week #28
Something I was thinking about this morning while I was wallowing in a pretty big pity party I was throwing for myself was how sometimes I feel discouraged because I judge my happiness on a day-to-day or even week-to-week basis. It’s like how I look at my weight or my fitness level or my progress in dance… When I try to track my weight or my happiness on a very granular level (like every single day), it ends up making me feel even frustrated at the lack of change and progress.
But generally if I look back at my whole year, I don’t feel so bad about the whole thing. So maybe I should start thinking more about the bigger picture when I feel down about how it’s been almost two months and I haven’t figured out a job situation for next year or even gotten anywhere past a straight up rejection. It’s only been two months. I need to have a thicker skin.

I met up with a friend on Berkeley campus this past week, and I realized that the last time I was on campus was the day I got engaged! I’m glad I went to Berkeley and can have a good nostalgic feeling when I walk back on campus – I don’t regret my time at Berkeley at all. There may be a lot of other things I regret, but choosing to go to Berkeley and not go to Northwestern is not one of them. It’s funny, I saw an old high school acquaintance last week too and since we literally have not spoken since high school, were sharing parts of where we’ve been the last ten (!!!) years since high school graduation and he asked me if I had gone to Northwestern. Ha! My life is so different now from what I thought it would be ten years ago.

A major triumph of last week was that I finally took the Pottermore Hogwarts house sorting test and I got sorted into Ravenclaw!!! I never wanted to take the actual Pottermore test in case I did not get Ravenclaw… but now I can say that I am a legit Ravenclaw.