Photo Week #25
1 min read

Photo Week #25

Junie is looking so big lately. And also, she loves her Lakers hat - thank you Justine eemo! - it is really the only hat that she'll keep on her head for an extended period of time (which is to say, still not that long).

It's weird thinking about how a year ago at this time, Junie was just a blob who didn't even sit by herself and how sad I was about baby sleep. It felt like such an accomplishment to even reach six months of motherhood, nursing, surviving sleep. And now she's running everywhere, climbing, almost talking, learning so much. I feel bad that I market motherhood as very hard... on the subreddit I lurk on, people complain that there are some influencers that only show the bad parts of parenting and whine all the time and some influencers who only show the good parts. I mean, I'm not an influencer with millions of followers, but hopefully I can be a little more balanced even on this blog...