Photo Week #25
2020 is almost halfway over. Can you believe it? Do you think it’s possible that we’ve just plunged so far down during the first half of the year that we’ve hit rock bottom and the second half of 2020 will be looking upwards? I sort of doubt it.
I celebrated my birthday early this past weekend – afterwards I did feel a little guilty that we were probably… not social distancing like we should have been, but what’s done is done and I super appreciate my friends and family who got together and I think we all had fun!

First off was a long, uphill, and rewarding hike in San Ramon where we could see the very tip of Salesforce tower and San Francisco in the distance! Afterwards we picnicked back at home and picked plums, and ate homemade matcha cake. I have talented relatives.

Then my friends and I met in Half Moon Bay to go strawberry picking! The drive was brutal (traffic plus a crying baby plus focusing very hard to not become car sick on windy roads) but we made it and there were still plenty of strawberries to pick.

The ride back was just as long and windy and trafficky, but remembering the views of the beach and the bay made it not so bad.

Stay safe, friends. I’m going to try and do my best to stay away from people this week again…