Photo Week #22

Boba ice cream in plenty at the Dublin Ranch 99! What a rarity. This past week, we also went cherry picking and really, fresh fruit is one of life’s greatest joys. Looking forward to the day when I can go to the farmers market without feeling too guilty about mingling with other people!
I also finished reading Jessica Simpson’s memoir and wow, what a ride that was… it made me realize that there is a very large portion of America that is very different from me. Also I think I remember being more of an Ashlee Simpson fan in early middle school than a Jessica Simpson fan…? Pieces of Me is a banger.
After the intense emotions of the prior week (see previous photo week post), I spent this past week in a little bit of a daze… it was weird trying to get back to applying to jobs and being productive in creating art things (I had a little bit of a lecture from my former CEO about not creating things as an artist… and I was like, I know…) But I am determined this week to keep fighting and taking steps forward. If you are feeling discouraged and burnt out, hang in there! We can do it together.