Photo Week #2
I have planned for 2019 – so far, at least – six weddings (hopefully my own!) and three trips and one job to be gotten. This past weekend took care of a wedding and a trip all in one, as I flew to Boston to be Cindy’s plus one date to her college roommate’s wedding.

We started off the trip in Boston with a visit to Tatte, the place where I first tasted shakshuka. I am not ashamed to say that we went back again the next day and I had another shakshuka. It’s just that good.

Other food places of note that we went to were Alden & Harlow, LA Burdick (pictured above still being decorated for the holiday season which was very pretty) and Shake Shack. I am still a big fan of the Shack-cago dog and honestly preferred the non-crinkle cut fries.

The next day, we spent half the day warm inside Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts and the other half walking around admiring Boston sights (it seems like my visits to Boston are either extremely cold or extremely hot) and walking on the frozen over ponds in Boston Commons.
Boston was much colder than DC, but in DC it was snowing, which made the possibility of our return flight being canceled very high. Luckily, we did make it back to Maryland, safe and sound but unfortunately for me not quite dry.

The snow was very pretty though and it reminded me of the Ansel Adams photographs we had just seen at the Boston MFA.

Sadly this was not the last time I would slip and fall due to ice and snow. Despite carefully shuffling along the icy paths I still managed to fall over on the last day. Oh well.

Although we couldn’t go to the museums because of the government shutdown, we still took a walk over to the memorials where the Reflecting Pool was also all frozen over and we had a good time trying to crack the ice by throwing blocks of snow onto it. It was also the emptiest I have ever seen the Lincoln Memorial which means a good photo without any other tourists in it!
Last week, Cindy also texted me asking what we should do instead of museums, and I suggested going to a Washington Capitals game! Sadly, the home team lost but we still had a good time despite not really knowing a lot about hockey. We watched a few videos beforehand (although some of the finer points are still lost on me) and thanks to Reddit, knew that we could go down to the lowest level before the game started to watch their warmups! The best part was watching the little kids hopefully hold up a circle with their hands, asking the players to toss them a puck.