Photo Week #16

I'm sorry I write like a broken record - every week it seems like I write about baby sleep, and this week is no different. Like I mentioned previously, Junie had been going to sleep terribly... basically would take hours to get her to go to sleep at night. But this past week, we turned some sort of a corner! I am thankful for the puffy marshmallow suit aka the Magic Merlin suit (and for Joanna who passed it down to us!) One night we just decided to use it and not use the SNOO swaddle/rocking, and she went down faster than she had in the last few days. Then the next few days it got progressively easier to put her to sleep for the night! We may have accidentally sleep trained her because during some points of the night Jeremiah and I just let her cry... but anyways I hope we're through this current sleep regression.
This was also the week where I thought I had chicken pox but am happy to report that I did not!! I had developed this weird set of bug bite/zit looking things on my stomach, and when I went to see my doctor she ordered a blood test for me to check for the chicken pox virus. Then followed two days of sad self-isolating, and bottle boot camp for Junie because we wanted to minimize her exposure to me. I am also happy to report that she is now taking the bottle way better than before! So there is the silver lining to this whole chicken pox saga. Still don't know what I had, but the dots are pretty much all gone now so... hopefully they don't come back!!
Yesterday, we hosted friends for the fourth Warriors-Nuggets game (boo, no sweep). Although it sometimes got hectic with four kids running around (well, two kids running around and two on the floor) it was a very pleasant way to spend a Sunday. Really looking forward to spending more sunny Sundays with friends and friends' kids.