Photo Week #49

Happy to have made it to the Notion holiday party! And happy to have another time to wear the skirt I bought (sort of spontaneously and not on sale at Madewell, gasp) as the one nicer thing I can wear in my pregnancy. There was a person doing portraits, and I sort of wished I had made a more conscious effort to not slouch, but it is a fun souvenir of the night. I was also able to go to see SRVDA’s Nutcracker yesterday! All my dancers made me so proud and I regret not having taken a photo with them… but it was a fun night out too.
In other news, I recently got notified that my demo reel site has to be renewed by February 2022 – I have it on auto renew, but I debated for a bit this morning whether I should just let it not renew… same with this site, if I all I do is just post photos on a WordPress site do I really need to be paying money to have a custom domain? Or perhaps I should think about converting all my handles over to something a little more professional than “squeakyhsu” (my high school AIM username).
Maybe this will be something I tackle during my maternity leave, which starts on Wednesday! I still feel like I am unprepared, but maybe I will never feel fully prepared. I still need to wash at least one load of baby clothes and sheets so that I have something clean for her to wear when she comes home, so that is on the to-do list this week. I was sharing with my coworker how nervous I was and he said, “just handle it like you’re handling [this one project at work]” and I said “you mean…. just wing it?!?” And then he sent the 100 emoji. So that’s how I’m heading into these last weeks before baby is here – just going to do laundry and prep as much as I can and wing the rest…