Photo Week #39
Happy October! Happy first day of unemployment to me! Jeremiah asked me last night whether or not I was anxious or excited for this day and I said I didn't know, haha. I think because I have that list of tasks that I want to accomplish during my unemployment I feel like I will be doing something productive and thus worthy with my time, and so I don't feel too anxious. But again - ask me again in like a month and see how I feel then.
My last week felt so surreal and bittersweet. On one hand, I did feel like crying because there is so much exciting stuff and work on the horizon that I won't be a part of - and realizing that I was sad about missing out on work made me realize again how great it was that I was able to find this job in this industry doing this type of work. But I also feel at peace because things were really out of my control and I do feel good about the decision not to move to Irvine. It really wasn't that hard of a decision. Two more years of Notion!!! Just kidding, kind of.... but look at this cute water bottle they gave to Junie! I want it for myself.