Photo Week #13

Juniper has been getting so much stronger these last few weeks - she's been doing so great during tummy time and likes sitting propped up (although I constantly am googling whether it's ok to do so for extended periods of time and what is the best way to sit her up to encourage proper development...) Without her double chin, she looks almost like a different baby. I tried to get a video of her pushing herself over from belly to back, but in front of the camera she got camera shy. The same happened when I tried to get a video of her singing to herself (we have a very loud and talkative baby).

This past week I felt a lot of self-doubt and anxiety about whether or not I was doing something wrong with regards to Junie's sleep. For most of last week, she would wake up about an hour after we put her down to sleep (and it would take about 20 minutes already to put her down to sleep) and then take another 30 minutes to an hour to get calm enough again to go back to sleep. Not sure if it's a growth spurt or a wonder week or a sleep progression/regression or I misread her sleepy cues or mistimed her wake windows... there are so many possibilities.
But I need to keep repeating my new mantras to myself: Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and one that Jeremiah always tells me, babies gonna baby. Changing patterns are inevitable and even though I hate not knowing why or what to do (classic enneagram 5) we will get through this together!!!!