Photo Week #10
A Marugame Udon opened in San Ramon at the City Center this past week, and Jeremiah and I have already gone twice, which means I've also gotten to eat Salt & Straw twice this week as well. Oh wait! We took a mini trip to Salt & Straw one time during Junie's nap, and barely made it back in time to feed her. Three times! Living the life. I did take a ballet class this past Monday (and was very sore after) - don't think that was quite the amount of exercise to counteract three scoops of ice cream, but hey, it's not nothing! Hoping I can slowly start working out more...
In Junie world: Junie has been forced to try a new bottle brand (Lansinoh versus the random collection of old generations of Phillips Avent bottles/nipples I have) to see if she likes it better, so mom can have some peace of mind leaving her with someone else every now and then.
We also dressed her in non-footed pajamas for the first time! You can't really tell in this photo but her jacket has little ears on it. Not sure how long I can fit her into this jacket so we will try to wear real clothes and accessorize with jackets more often from now on...

Last night, I watched Turning Red - it was fun and entertaining, but I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I thought I would considering it is a story about an Asian American mother-daughter relationship. But I was in a self-doubting headspace last night while watching it, so maybe the movie just made me feel more anxious rather than relief. Anyways, Junie doesn't look like she can last much longer for her nap by herself so I am going to wrap this up and hurry and chug my coffee as fast as I can before I need to get her...